At St. Philip we will continue offering our parishioners a Faith Formation Program that is not only a sacramental preparation one but an ongoing faith formation where the whole family participates and where the main role belongs to the parents. They will have classes with our catechists and they will be the ones responsible for the faith formation of their children.
Weekly online sessions will be held where both parents are required to participate (mom and dad, if they live in the same household) and where our catechists will help them prepare to teach their children at home. We will also provide the materials for the faith formation. (Catechism booklets, weekly activity sheets and prayer books)
Because of the ongoing pandemic and for the safety of our families sessions will continue online via Zoom.
(no in-person classes for now).
For more information or to make an appointment, call us at:
(214) 388 5464
Karmina Luna (ext 233)
Sr. Carmen Lazo, MCDP (ext 232)
Faith Formation Team