As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional and physical well being of minors and vulnerable adults as they participate in activities within or sponsored by our Diocese. It is our responsibility and commitment to provide an environment which is safe and nurturing.
In order to achieve the above, the diocese has a Safe Environment Program that implements training, screening, background checks and other procedures that are designed to reduce the risk of sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults. Every parish, school and Diocesan agency has the program and each is responsible for program implementation and continuation.
Como adultos cristianos, Dios nos ha confiado la responsabilidad moral y legal del bienestar espiritual, emocional y físico de los menores y adultos vulnerables, que participan de las actividades, dentro o patrocinadas por nuestra Diócesis. Es nuestra responsabilidad y compromiso el proporcionar un ambiente que sea seguro y nutriente.
Para lograr lo arriba mencionado, la Diócesis tiene un Programa de Ambiente Seguro que implementa entrenamiento, revisión, investigación de antecedentes penales y otros procedimientos que son diseñados para reducir el riesgo de abuso sexual de menores y adultos vulnerables. Cada parroquia, la escuela y agencia Diocesana tienen el programa y es responsable de su implementación y seguimiento.
Director of Safety: Rosemary Vasquez